Monthly Archives: April 2013

Chickadee Excavates a Nest Hole

This is a composite of 4 pictures. This Chickadee was soooo busy clearing out a nest hole. It’s mate was nearby, supervising.

(Click on the image for a larger version)

Chickadee Nest Excavation

Chickadee Nest Excavation

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Photography and Art Show at the Vermont Institute of Natural Science in Quechee, Vermont

(Click on the image to enlarge)

Photography and Art by Cynthia Crawford/Creature Kinships

Photography and Art by Cynthia Crawford/Creature Kinships





Posted in Upcoming Show and Events

Eastern Phoebe arrives- it must be Spring!

Saw this beautiful Eastern Phoebe today-another early arrival in Vermont.


Eastern Phoebe-spring arrival in Vermont

Eastern Phoebe-spring arrival in Vermont

Posted in Bird Photographs Tagged |

Wild Goose Chase

An immature Bald Eagle was fishing in the Connecticut River, dove for a fish, and was immediately chased by an irate Canada Goose!  The Eagle managed to get away with it’s fish, but just barely. What a brave (silly?) goose!


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Fox Sparrow in Vermont

A rare visitor, migrant, in my front yard this AM.

(click on picture to enlarge)

fox sparrow vermont

Fox Sparrow in Vermont

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Recent Spring Sightings in Vermont and New Hampshire

There are a number of Merlins in Hanover, N.H. that are likely nesting as they have for several years. Here’s one, high in the treetops.



Merlin in New Hampshire











These Grebes were at the Wilder Dam in Vermont.


Red-Necked Grebes in Vermont

Red-necked Grebes in Vermont


Horned Grebe in Vermont

Horned Grebe in Vermont

Migrating Ducks are also fun to see on the Connecticut River in Vermont and New Hampshire.

  Common Mergansers will be here for the summer and seem to be everywhere right now.  Many Ring-necked Ducks are passing through.

Common Mergansers (male) take-off

Common Mergansers (male) take-off

Ring-necked Duck in Flight

Ring-necked Duck in Flight

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